What are some ways to avoid ludonarrative dissonance?
Best innovation you've seen in recent games on classic mechanics?
Did Game Dev Tycoons strategy for combating piracy work and how did they do it exactly?
Better design?
In your opinion what makes a dream sequence good/bad?
Is it possible to test my game virtually on a lot of different hardware?
Looking for bad open world survival games that looked good at first.
How do I figure out at what point is the best time to end a demo?
What turns you off to a AAA game?
Thoughts on using ChatGTP for learning game dev?
Trying to do some market research.
Is RTS a dead genre?
How do I make a in game map for a level that is 3 dimensional?
How is emergent gameplay planned out?
Those that have done marketing in the past, what was the most successful thing you did?
Anyone know of some high quality resources on learning shaders?
What’s your favorite way to create memorable moments in your non-story games?
BEGINNER MEGATHREAD - How to get started? Which engine to pick? How do I make a game like X? Best course/tutorial? Which PC/Laptop do I buy?
My strategy for learning game dev extremely efficiently.
Best place to post unfinished games for feedback?
My Demo Just Hit 100 Reviews, and They're ALL Positive! I'm Over the Moon!
As a solo dev – is building community (i.e. on Discord or socials) around your game before release really worth it?
Ever felt demoralized because you can't solve an issue with your game?
What is your strategy for getting data driven testing?