Завршено идејно рјешење брзе саобраћајнице, мостом од Зеленике до Луштице - RTHN
What to do and see in Antwerpen on a tight time schedule.
Presa pro-guvern din Serbia scrie că vin românii să-i jefuiască (lol)
Stigli smo u Beogradu!!!
Gentlemen, it has been a honor. The Second Yugoslav Wars are to begin.
Nur in Berlin wird man verwechselt
What if; war in Bosnia?
Ćacilend vežba patriotizam i pokušava da nabode "jebenu" himnu
Prime time za dobre političke mimove u cg ali kreativnosti niđe (pa evo ja da nešto doprinesem)
Is it common for German students to study medicine in Bulgaria?
Is this good beer, Joost
Man they will never get rid of the Falus Globber stereotyp
Oh ne baš planirao da ne idem
Šta je sa instagramom?
Is Cyrillic script still used in Montenegro?
Frisians, when 21ste century historiography hits the 19th century mythology...
Bitanga i princeza
Zidana ili Montažna kuća?
Kotorani spalili karnevala Andronika Duraka zv. Voštan – lutka sa likom Andrije Mandića
Pomorski fakultet Kotor
W🤡stoids clowning post no. 42069
How many of these have you completed?
[SFAAC/Institute for Parallel History] → WWII