Shocked to see lillia get a buff
I need SIMS 4 with all DLCs for free please :'(
50% blue essence reduction on champions
made a question about rabadon lillia and the comments were basically this lol i love this site
Unlocked Camera
how do you start?
What is your favourite Champion? And what would you change?
should i help my jungler
Is Evelynn worth maining in s15?
Where to find people to 1v1¿
What are some of the best late game scaling champs?
Which jungle should I play in bronze?
How can I deal against early invades?
How to deal against early invades ?
How to deal with early invades?
Is kha'zix worth learning in s15?
Gragas build
Is Cassiopeia viable in top lane ?
Low Elo Gragas
Lices with permed hair
One level you love but know you'll never beat?
What was y'all's first Extreme?
Who is the best player from your country?
What Level and Song is this?