So how is the state of the game right now?
Defense Rant
What are “nodes”?
Best episodes on video
Hi im a new player and i not the best at the game i just go and shoot can somewhone explain all things that i need to kmow.
Where do I find a sales job with a base?
Sorry In Advance
Learning the ropes
What is the worst content series Barstool has put out
What did I do wrong as an engineer?
Question about the role of SL
HUD or no HUD
Just bought the game, I've watched some guides, what should I start out with?
Weirdest Bug Ever
Could you theoretically have 6 receivers running routes?
Finding good servers
Engineer - Blueprint Timeouts?
Any tips for finding squads/servers that actually use coms?
I enjoy ”Charlie work”. Is there a role for me in Hell Let Loose?
Do I have to speak in this game?
What is your biggest all time screw up in a game?
No mic? I'm a gonna kick you!
Unpopular advice: Dont throw smokes
Is there a point in destroying an abandoned enemy vehicle?
Partition to give recon a satchel