To stop supply do you ah e to keep pumping until there’s nothing left?
Elective Caesarean?
5 month sleep regression instead of 4m ?
Teething which tooth came first
Anyone’s Dr recommend early vax for measles outbreak?
Beta results 8dp5dt: please comfort me!
Would you quit your job if…
When do you give LOs liquids other than BM/formula
Vent/ post maternity leave work issues
TW: hole in incision
This is not normal 5 months post c section right?
Alcohol question
How much is your slacker boob slacking?
Anyone have C-section open up multiple times ?
When did your period return?
Can I wash my pump parts with dawn dish soap they have at work or do I need to bring my baby dish soap?
4m old cries randomly at night
Did lupron depot bring you success after failure?
Telling a 9 yr old she needs to lose weight and restricting food
When did the gas pains go away
4m old sneezes 10+ times a day is this normal
My 4 month old never wears the same outfit and it makes me sad bc they are so cute but I cannot stop buying him more cute outfits.
Help!! Supply danked randomly
How are yall keeping your diaper pails from stinking?
Does your baby wiggle/grunt ALOT during the night