Who is your favourite tcm content creator?
Whats your fav tcm movie? Mine is 1974
Has anyone ran into a leland that is super fast and has infinite barge?
Any cool tcm map ideas?
Hi guys today is my 1 year anniversary on reddit so can you show some love and follow my tiktok-barndoggywoggy
Tcm is making a comeback and i love the game even more I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK
They cooked with the victim pack but why is connie barefoot😭😭
Denim Outfit Pack
Only took almost 2 years
Idk why people are mad at my post this game literally gets ripped by the whole community and dont appreciate it
I have a feeling that this update will be worth the wait we need to be patient we can still play right now
Where do i watch the community updates because i noticed their newest one isnt on youtube
You guys are having a joke no way you guys still havnt released an update its nearly been 2 weeks
Will rush week ever have a progression system i want it so bad
Teamates disconnected because 2 escaped so i had to clutch up🔥
Why doesnt tcm have dismemberments
Why doesnt tcm have emotes theres litterally a gif of the cook clapping
Why cant we get double xp more often
If they are making a new game is it going to be a f13 revival since jason universe is bringing stuff back
Gun you need to answer this right here right now. Are you making a new game?
If Johnny is the only family member who wears gloves when he kills does that mean hes the only one who doesn't get caught?
Is gun going to address why the update got delayed for over a week
Will the tcm game ever go forward in time to where it is after the movie (rush week doesnt count im talking about the main mode)
Does anyone have any info on the new f13 game?
If the level cap ever got increased what level do you think it will be