Take your time man….take your time…
This is fun…
Why do we get health stones after a valkyrie fight even though our health gets filled up again anyways?
Bridge has more significance to the lore anyway
Joy once said…
How the hell did THAT happen
Did IO2 inspire anyone to play hockey?
What the hell is that?
Uhh..ok i guess?
This is too fun
How can one not cry in this scene?
So if Ennui has a “console app” on her phone does that mean she can control Riley outside headquarters?
Anger Once Said...
Which one are you?
Absolutely miss more colors and more icons for beacons
The strongest Demigod
Favorite combat art?
Which boss is always hard to beat no matter how many times you beat the game? Mine is THIS THING
I'm very new, is this level of physics fuckery normal?
Does anybody else here have a crush on one of the emotions? please tell me i'm not alone on this
Thoughts on Jean?
Can you show me your editable flairs?
Comment your favorite emotion
This is one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen.