Did the hornsent deserve what they got for what they did to marikas people
Anyone Recognize Her?
What is the fastest way to unlock orion camo without having access to mw2
What are the Consequences for letting the geth die
Do I have to make a new game because of how I have not talked to liara even after the virmire main mission or can I still romance her.
Did I mess up the Liara romance because I didn’t talk to her until like after the Virmire main mission so do I have to restart or can I just go talk to her now and still get the romance.
What is the thing that Melina picks up out of the ashes after lord of frenzied flame ending
Why is Wattson not getting any love in apex legends
Why is malikath so easy I beat him 1st try
What is the best way to get double kills in warzone 2.0 because I don’t have mw2