I don't understand Rocket Raccoon
Cloak and Dagger mains are the most toxic in the game
Hot take - Cloak and Dagger mains are the most toxic on the game
We all got fooled! NoDmgRocket Got Exposed by WintonOW2, The Biggest Healbotter Is Boosted by a OAA 4 stacks, Has Terrible Positioning And Couldn't even Aim with C&D
In light of recent news, this promo is brought to you by actual solo queue rocket
What is it with people insisting on 3 Dps since the update???
It is becoming unbearable to play Rocket Raccoon in ranked.
The "Only One Tank" Epidemic
People actually throw games if you play Rocket
Is anyone actually considering picking up Human Torch or The Thing as their main?
No tank is bad stop calling venom and peni bad
which is better, the thing or dr. strange?
Who do you think ACTUALLY needs a buff ?
I dropped from grandmaster two down to plat three, shot back up to Diamond and I have no idea what to think of matchmaking.
Being a tank absolutely sucks man
question for all of you, does anyone dont like playing dps!
Predicting a Rocket nerf at the end of season 1
What's the best hero to solo carry?
So, what characters do you think will be the new perma bans for the midseason?
Patch notes - concerned?
How do you think the Meta will shift?
3 supports gotta be the weakest thing to play against
Why do something many people think they can't solo tank?
Bit disappointed by the apparent balance changes from a tank POV
Cloak and Dagger have a 75% pick rate in Plat Rank. And a 55% pick rate in all comp.