Found a whole, untouched cake in the middle of the woods… because apparently wildlife deserves a birthday surprise?
My mom's cucumber and peanut butter salad 🤢
Leon Musk
Asshole that harassed me at Aldi today.
Last pics of my place before my gf moves in
How much horsepower would this monster add to my car?
Whatcha Grabin?
Make a paste and slather the inside of your plates. Cover with saran wrap so you don't chemically burn yourself.
Will stop posting after this one
What's the first thing you would do in this situation
What is this tool for?
Unusual Cylinder Gap
What kind of spider is this?
My boyfriend’s snack. Tomato ketchup with salt and pepper 😷
UPDATE: Here's an explainer video of how my partner cut her iPhone with a saw. It was a miter saw. Thought she originally told me it was a chop saw.
Just always wanted one - anyone suggest grips?
These t shirts are addictive . I got another one
Faces of Jeff
I Went Mod Crazy On My Revolver
What’s the most epic and grand battle/war to ever occur in science fiction?
Theres a whole tail in one of my eggs! What is it
I knew that weird leaning stance looked familiar
One day you'll die and stand before god in judgment. What will you say in defense of your sinful life?
What’s something you have in common with a predator?
Baby squid tries using his camouflage for first time