Kuban dirt is now ice
researching f18c before f18a
Settle a debate. What do you call this? Where you can find one?
What map do you hate the most?(In tank battle)
Tagged as a bug because... what
Tis but a scratch PT.2
Tis but a scratch
Why Is Everyone So Hyped for the F-18?
Can tailand or S corea become a sub nation in japan ?
Gaijin when?
What does the M60A1 get a worse round
Tornado F.3 BOL countermeasure pods not adding any extra countermeasures when using custom preset?
I am the one that repairs your broken wings in 30 secs
Can PC playes use xbox store for sales?
so close to the f-15 🙏🙏
Type 87 RCV (P) and other vehicles like it.
Can someone give me a good reason to keep playing this game?
Unflarable PL-7
Is it only me?
Alright dude... what the flip?
GGs big Double anyone played with this? I cant pack the front cargo?
Latest victim of the horizontal drive/turret basket change, please welcome the VT-5.
How is it that after 6 months we get a Mid season update?