Beachside Trove in Oblivia has a nice cheesy spot for grinding out credits – I made about 500,000 in 40 or so minutes this way. (Description and video in post.)
As a new player to the game I happened to stumble upon a great resource with info that most veteran players probably already know. But for those just starting their journey it might help out some. (Spoilers)
Just a reminder that this game is canon to Persona. Who knows if they'll add anything to the remaster to reinforce that connection.
RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army — Announcement Trailer
I have some questions about the game
What a surprise ...
Today’s direct was fine, you just had unrealistically high expectations
What order to play in?
The other guy seems to have given up after seeing what direction this poll thing was going so I figured I'd take over! By a large margin the winner of the "Most Underrated" category is Xenoblade 2! Now what is the most disappointing game in the series?
I see a lot of people who are stopping playing Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition because it is not what they expected.
Just beat Persona 1 for the first time and...
Nobuo Uematsu earworm
Persona 5
Which party members are worth using for story dialogue
Anyone else make their skells past mechs from the series
Anyone feel FF main plot stories getting shorter from 12 onwards?
Xenoblade 1 DE or X DE?
Spoilers in the trailer
Any reason to keep old armor or weapons in Definitive Edition?
Favorite Nintendo game of all time?
Best Buy Pre-order Bonus Issue
Just started X! Any tips for an XC veteran new to XCX?
Reading this sub I'm convinced there are only 4 final fantasies.
Favorite soundtrack from these games?
Console JRPGs with worlds I can get lost in
Which Final Fantasy game made you cry?