I was surprised to see MJ in the final issue, even if she didn’t have a line. But seriously, why does Paul always have to show up? Why does MJ always have to be stuck to him like glue? I swear, it's like they're a packaged deal at this point
Jeff Bezos built a fence on his property that exceeds the permitted height, he doesn't care, he pays fines every month
Krypto is such a good boy 😉
TIL David MacDonald Was Cast And Filmed As David Hasselhoff's Nick Fury In Deadpool & Wolverine, But He Was Ultimately Scrapped From The Final Film
I remember that
The Expendables - Female Version
What do u think of Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez?
Why did Odin keep a fake gaunlet? Is he stupid?
Who had the best theme?
Who can Vandal savage in the DCU?
Other than Electro, are there any Marvel characters who have had both their mainstream and Ultimate looks adapted to live-action?
Who would you cast Toby Kebbell as for the DCU or MCU
May really needs to know Peter identity again
How can he withstand the full force of a star but not a shock collar?
Farid Karami's take on Felicia during the current Avengers run is breathtaking.
Outjerked by news accounts
This was meant as a joke you morons
Just finished watching The Boys. I can’t believe this is the same mf who played Jason Teague 😭
Punisher is based!?
Bro, it is not that bad...
I still think it's hilarious that Our Spider-Man Variant is the Racist One
Why is Superman the only member of the trinity that has a consistent love life?
Marvel equivalent of Battle Beast?
Season 2 is dropping soon right guys?