Bai lu as Li Pei Yi is so beautiful in red ❤️❤️
Which cdramas have you enjoyed rewatching the most??
What’s something people think helps with anxiety—but actually makes it worse for you?
Imagine walking into your mall and seeing all your cdrama favorites everywhere 🤩
Does anyone else have this problem??
Everyone loves it except you. What’s the most overrated cdrama?
Me after watching the new trailer of Love in the clouds with Lu Yuxiao and Hou Minghao 😍🔥😩
Wang Xingyue and Lu Yuxiao’s chemistry❤️🔥
What are some of your biggest disappointments in cdramaland since you became a watcher?
Which actor or actress comes to mind?
What is your worst anxiety symptoms?
Whats a cdrama opinion you have that would probably get you in this situation?
Some characters with facial hair or beards 🥸🥸
Does it make anyone else happy to see cdramas being talked about online, especially in the recent years?
What drama gave you ctrauma?
You know you’ve watched too many Chinese dramas when you can name at least 80% of these actors just by their eyes and faces 😂
My honest ratings of some popular cdramas I've watched
In your opinion, who are some of the most overrated cdrama characters you've come across?
But this man's purple hair was really pretty 💜🔮 Ao Ruipeng from Moonlight Mystique
Name a character that wouldn't be as popular as they are if they weren't hot
Petty or not, how do you know when it's time to say goodbye?
What are some examples of 'great acting' that you have seen in cdramas
Which actress has the most beautiful side profile??
Whats your "This was a good drama, but THIS was a GREAT drama?”
Why I'm Excited for Feud!