Since this seasons almost at an end, What level are you guys?
Describe this gun with one word
Pls watch because I put my heart and soul into it
how much refund tickets do you have?
Hi Sypher, I ranked every (memorable) skin of Chapter 6 Season 1
I Got This For My Birthday(W or L)
What was the most annoying weapon in Fortnite. I’ll go first.
Favorite movie where the protagonist dies
Me after my duo sells:
Wait a second Sypher???
What happened to Godzilla 💀
I pushed a baby off a 9 story building
Nah bro made his slides about sypherpk
Map of Steam usage spots globally over the last 7 days. [1042x571]
Which one deserves an icon skin? 🤔
What type of pisser are you?
What is happening to Rodri?
A church tried to get our school board to ban LGBT books. Hundreds came to tell them to fuck off.
Name a better season I’ll wait…
If You Could Pick One Rare Skin To Come Back Which One Would It Be?
What’s your favorite from chapter two
What is your least favorite Fortnite emote?
hear me out:
I tried my best
Where you dropping?