Week #6 of recording every Oasis single until the Chicago show is complete. Some Might Say - their first #1 single.
Bought this back in ‘97. Random find at a CD store here in the US. Hard to describe how lucky that was for back then. Finally decided to put it in a proper frame display.
What estimating software do you all use?
My wife and I had a lot of fun recording a cover of Whatever this weekend. Guitars/bass/drum programming by me, flutes by her, outro vocals by our kids.
What boutique amp should I get? Trying to spend under $3500.
New Benson Pedal Collab w/ Deep Sea Diver on the way (as seen on Will Bennett’s Instagram)
Experimenting with some different textures the other night, to varying degrees of success. Fun stuff.
Cigarettes and Alcohol - This song is always a lot of fun to play. Here’s a cover I put together this past week with an old high school friend.
What compressor is this?
Thoughts on new Languedoc guitars being officially sold for 70k?
Live Forever - This was the first Oasis song I ever heard. 1994. Late night MTV. It’s still my favorite song of theirs. Can’t wait to see this one live in Chicago. 25 more weeks, 24 more singles to go…
Has anybody played these Rotary pedals?
What happened to Benson Amps
My attempt to cover/version the "Live Forever" solo
I attempted a cover of single #2 Shakermaker this week. 2 down. 25 to go until seeing them in Chicago.
Alright, I tried something this weekend. I performed and recorded the entirety of Supersonic by myself. It’s not perfect, but I had fun. 27 weeks until Chicago. 27 singles… maybe I’ll try and do all of them between now and then?
Looking for AI estimating software recommendations
Salary flooring estimators
Any tips on keeping a neat pedalboard?
If spraying a can of whip cream down your mouth was an overdrive pedal
Trey/Phish inspired pedal that never was, are we glad?
Reacquainted - New Guitar Day.
New Keeley pedal to take on DM2000???