parliamentary style of democracy vs presidential
Why haven’t the people risen up to demand change?
Would Americans be willing to pay high taxes like in Nordic countries to have great welfare benefits
If you could only eat one country’s cuisine for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?
How hard can it be for canada and us to hold talks about trade?
What are the alternatives to neo liberalism and woke liberalism?
Whats the address of the PlayTech store used to film Bored?
Friendly Reminder from the VLDL Team!
During times of significant unemployment why don’t companies put pressure on their existing employees?
Does BlueSky not violate the App store copycat rules?
Does VLDL have any fan events this year
Why is competition itself not considered an externality?
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
Why is my reddit full of trump haters if more people voted for him than didnt?
Do you agree that the rational voter premise of the Keys has been compromised?
In what economic systems do losers not exist ? Is a loser tree economy possible ?
Is Seeking Alpha a good source of analysis and insights on stocks?
Does Trump actually believe the US is owed by all these other countries?
Why are the chances that the future of the Republican party will be Trumpian?
If you had to explain the meaning of life in one sentence, what would it be?
What screams lack of Intelligence to you?
Pathetic Fallacy but it’s so good
Will you still boycott the US even if the tariffs are lifted?
Why are celebrities more vocal about Israel-Palestine than Ukraine-Russia?
Is John Green still using Twitter