Who is your favourite Judgement Day member?
Will he win IC title at mania
Who got more heat?
Choose wisely
Randy KO
I can't wait until tomorrow
Who would you rather fight
Will we ever see this match
Big Jim US champ at mania
Who was wwe champion when you were born?, ill go first.
Where is omos
Idea proposal for wwe 2k games
happy birthday ivar
Been seeing a bit to much disrespect on our ring general lately let me remind you all
describe any wrestler in how many words you want, i don't really care
When Randy Orton turns heel who should join him?
Create your own WWE superstar name
This is a reminder
Who y’all got winning
Which superstar has this logo wrong answers only part 3
Descibe him in one single word...
Who is the strongest wrestler in the current roaster?
Who should join The Rock and John Cena?
Who should be Paul Haymans client?