How popular do you expect GTA VI to be?
How popular was the Halo 2 and 3 release?
[COD] Do you miss specialists?
[Spoilers Main] Why does Tywin think Stannis is a bigger threat than Renly?
Who do you think had more of a point in early NJO? Luke or Kyp
(Spoilers Main) I dont think Doran ever really took on board the lesson of the Water Gardens. Not totally anyway.
Why does Tywin think Stannis is a bigger threat than Renly?
Why is someone always ending up like this in the finale?
How big was the Yuuzhan Vong war compare to other famous war in galactic history?
Why does prisoner mark look like this? Does he have space eczema?
Is Mark stronger than Nolan because of _____?
[COD] Going back and playing older COD’s it’s kinda mind blowing how much more sauce this franchise used to have
Why were the Austrians so eager to join with Germany?
Would you be angry if you were given Dragonstone?
[Spoilers Extended] In the show, could Robb have taken Casterly Rock?
(SPOILER EXTENDED) What would you change about worldbuilding of Free Cities
Could Robb have actually taken Casterly Rock?
These two were in no position to pressure Edmure to commit to anyone.
What was the biggest reason why France lost so quickly in WW2?
Why does Stannis say this ? Was he jealous of Ned's relationship with Robert ? Seems like they have a lot in common to me . Just saying
Sith had better weapons
What happens with Elon and DOGE if a democrat wins in 2028?
It's actually kind of impressive the way almost everything Tywin says to his children is hypocritical (spoilers extended)