AITAH for not auditioning for a school musical?
Is my cockatiel a he or she?
AITAH for telling my best friends boyfriend that she cheated on him with my cousin
Bereavement policies
How much vacation time does your org give?
For pointing out there are no such things as miracle babies, and society has no obligation to fund your children, or the consequences of your sexual misadventures?
elderly women swooning over trump.
Airport to hotel?
WIBTA if I don’t respond?
How are health insurers allowed to deny claims?
I found the grade school teacher that made a positive impact on me on social media and he hit on me right away.
SENT ME DA APPLE GIFT CARDS 💳😎💰 🤑 💸 🪙 💶 💰 🤑 💸 🪙 😎
AITA if I tell my daughter's dad that I won't be sharing the tax return since he never did that for me?
Am I going insane?
my daughter’s reading comprehension sucks, what can I do?
How do we fix the American healthcare / insurance system?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Another woman(20sF) texted my(27F) husband (27M) saying 'I'm sorry'
This shook me
AITA for feeling hurt that my wife only has sex with me out of obligation?
AIO I just had surgery and my mom wants me to pay her to help me for 2 days.
Have serious financial concerns; possible eviction
Can a landlord legally give someone else keys to your home?
AITAH for saying FU to my son?
Did I over react about 20 cents?