You can project one message into ainz’s mind. What do you say?
Rate the outfit and which ones suits best
Gore GS is so sexy
Friendly reminder: don't forget to pet your Poogie
Was this a steal?
Finished watching Rogue One again and this moment still gets me. What are your thoughts about this scene?
Would you spend this game for $900?
I have now joined the club.
Just fought diablos and he killed off one of my GFs in a unexpected way.
Back to the Future is a Star Wars movie
Is it me of does Edea’s lighthouse look like a giant you get the idea ?
Ok seriously though, check your local Walmarts
Just want to join in
Toddler threw a tantrum which ended with him smashing the TV
Question about SCPH-50001
What activities or games are y'all using to pass time before Wilds?
In The Lion King (1994), wildebeests were used instead of bisons for the stampede because the name "bison" would have given away the plot twist.
My Cait Sith Cosplay
My cloud cosplay
Just finished my new setup
On February 29th All grounded Vs fantastical debates will explode
What are your thoughts on keiji inafune?
Questions about dual sound cards.
What is a must play PS1 game that isn’t available on modern consoles??
I need help with two graphic cards.