Trading these
Trading these ,LF unus, traits, fingers or anything good
Are any of these actually good?
Genuine Question what is this? Is this a visual glitch or something? It was there for a bit then it disappeared
Do It now
Anyone help me think of a Jotaro username?
Trading unusuals and some traits. Here’s some of the stuff
Why does this polar have a number on it?
I’ll make a super power out of your name
Yeah remember that mayhem sneak? The dev one that people were saying will be obtainable? Well uh.. yeah I’m gonna go cry now
Trading these, can ask me for patts, charms and stats (also here some of the unus)
Trading these looking for godly tw
Trading another prem unu, lf traits, fingers or anything good
I'm not looking for anything specific
What’s in the next AUT update?
Can I Get The Scout Skin For Just Blood Demon Sword Skin?
Trading for godly ger/Pure red Gold experience requiem legacy skin
I think I flawlessly sticker bombed my epiphone not to brag 😎
I started this game abt 2 days ago, are these good stands?
my “friend” stole my tusk (warning: swearing)
The goal for every legendary and mythic trait GER
Could my sticker bombed epiphone be a star one day in the porn industry