rate my taste for a 13 year old
just wanted to thank y'all cus you guys helped my band with an album name!
name this album (my band dosent have any ideas)
Name these 2 albums
10k coins giveaway to whoever finds the owner of this and dms me.
does having a Grizzled Veteran badge help me at all, or is it bragging rights?
Thought this was funny, as to me the Golden Knight character looks a bit like Kurt Cobain.
is golden knight stupid?
Giving away my frank ocean shinies.
Drop your user and i’ll send you any of your faves if i have them for free🫶
Just got scammed by Soundmap
Quitting the game, giving away all my coins, send trades for market price to add to the giveaway
Am I the only one who doesn't rename items if it turns out after purchase that the previous author renamed it?
Giveaway im bored. 200,000k. Guess a number 1-1000. Closing guesses in 2 hours. Maybe 3. Winner has to get the number exact otherwise nobody wins until next time
20k each to whoever can find these
I'm the only collector of this artist and I need those epics so bad
Quitting giveaway
20k each if you can find these
1.3m giveaway
100 day streak GIVEAWAY 🥰
Do you think kurt listened to jar of flies? if so do you think he would’ve liked the acoustic direction they went in?
messed up my bracket to this
25k coin reward if anyone can find who has either of these epics