So... I just clipped through a wall...
What opinion got you like this
[Bubble Guppies]
[Yo kai watch]
[Doc mcstuffins] what's happening here then?
[Random Video I Made When I Was A Cringe Teen] I know what your gonna say, it just didn't exist when I made it...
Who’s your favorite Kirby character
[Mickey Mouse Clubhouse] Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt
What's the most recent possibility questionable thing you had to look up for a fic?
I asked this question about a year ago and i wanna know again; Who is your lookalike Dating/married to??
Name ANY character and I’ll say if Kirby can beat them in an eating contest!
My Newest Minecraft Build Based On The Pet Waterpark In Open Season 2
I was today years old when I found out the sea lantern was an animated block
If you can't buy a gold bloom try this
What are some foods you love but you feel got done dirty with how they look in the game?
Super Kirby maker
What does Kirby smell like?
i think this snow pea can win this right
Wait a minute, if all the plants in this world are alive, than what are the vegans gonna eat!?
What is the name of this character? (Wrong answers only)
The post above Kirby made him >:(
Quick Question! many brain cells are in his head?
New PVZ Plant Just Dropped, What Do You Think He Does?
Squidward it's kill or be killed