What doctrine would you want a non-mormon, who is well aware of it not being legit, to hear about?
Christianity is terrifying and depressing
On Christians saying Suicide is a forgivable sin.
Video I Lost
You Should Tithe
If God Told You to Do Something Illegal, Would You Obey?
Mike Winger is Wrong Lent and Ash Wednesday are bibical
I had an interesting discussion with friends about Christian dating and sex before marriage. I would like other people's opinions on this.
The darkest day of my life..
Im an atheist- whats your best argument for God’s existence?
When you're on a strong run and this blessing ruins your day.
Pool Cage
Logo Reviews?
Black Tip Orifice Size?
Did I accidentally join the synagogue of satan? (Not antisemitic)
Interested to see how much you guys would bid
Coincidentally I'm seeing things more after I've giving into sin
How do I avoid Jesus saying to me "I never knew you"
Is it true certain translations of the Bible are mistranslated/manipulated to promote certain message?
Lightbulb with no code or label?
Help Me Name the Business?
He will Baptize you with The Holy Spirit and Fire
Lessons Learned in 2024
Is it normal for a church to charge you a monthly membership for the ability to do Communion?