Freewill argument
When someone sneezes, what do you say?
How to feel less uncomfortable and cringe in a christian gathering
What if John joined Micah and Dutch?
What if Thanos clapped Hulk's cheeks in Infinity War?
Just tried Ultra Peachy Keen for the first time. I love it! If you have tried it what do think about it?
Breakfast choices
Update: I loaded into my late brother’s game as Arthur
Why most religious people think they're going to heaven or whatever good place they go to when they die?
Just tried Ultra Watermelon for the first time. It's alright. If you have tried it what do you think about it?
This one is good but im sick as a dog so take it with a grain of salt 6.5/10
What's a movie with a terrible message?
Tried Ultra Paradise for the first time. It's good! If you've tried it what do you think about it?
Other than forceful kissing has the Kankers ever full on SA the Eds?
Mine is cheetos
Just tried Ultra Vice Guava for the first time. It's good! What do you think of it?
What's the biggest amount of food you've ever eaten while high?
Is it possible to turn 1,500 pounds of weed into one edible and make it fatal?
What if Vader and Ahsoka fell in love on Malachor?
Sip Elixirs
How could you NOT want to boop this snoot?
What is the craziest date you ever had?
Vegetarians on here if someone offered you one billion dollars to eat meat would you do it?
If praying works why doesn't someone pray for something crazy like flying monkeys?
Found the Viking Berry! I love it and what do you think about it?