I've been hearing this is the ranked experience for many. Is this true?
Exhausted tank noises
Had to put my 14 y/o golden lab down a couple days ago
How many of you have Mains in each class?
Loaded into my camp and got jumpscared by a giant Palico.
Did I just win?
First time in 20 hours I've had this happen. wtf is going on?
I want to get into comp but I my game doesn’t perform well.
Congrats on an INCREDIBLE Launch MH Wilds! (40 min after PC release)
What characters do you absolutely hate?
im starting to really dislike this game
dps... it is YOU'RE job to kill flyers (and some supports but mostly dps)
“No supps” says the fourth person in the lobby to hardlock dps.
Final week push, but well worth it
Who’s a character you didn’t care for initially?
You ever do something that makes you lean back and go "im such an idiot"
Got my first solo Arkveld slay, it was way too close though.
Why do people hate this game again?
Reminder: You can put custom text in the Wilds stickers
Pc players are you sticking with M&KB or controller
Me as an IG main watching two meta LS players do combined 1/3 of my dmg:
Why do people ignore the reason why we got slap on weapons?
Why is Gore Magala not classified as an Elder Dragon, but Xeno'jiiva is?
Anyone else notice the complete lack of a certain monster classification in all of MHWild's Promo Material?