No doubt in my mind Miss Fortune enjoyed this one
Satisfying Team Fight!
daily reminder to itemize properly against enemy team comp even as ADC (penta + not even close lol)
Tank Jax is best Jax. What other bruisers do you like building tank with?
Please consider Fimbulwinter on bruisers
Gragas survives 20+ tower shots. Who do you think is the most disgusting champ with the unholy tank build?
Imagine if he had a real weapon. Do you think Jax is balanced currently?
How do we feel about tank meta in ARAM at the moment?
Why the new map is bad IMO(from someone who only plays aram all day)
I have been deceived, duped, and gagged.. Riot you will pay for your crimes.
Current state of ARAM
Best Tank In ARAM?
Who do you hate to play against?
Do people main a role in ARAM?
Bring Back Predator