I feel so ashamed and embarrassed about what I did last night.
80-100lb drop by August
28m Feeling deflated when it comes to dating
Update: I loved it! But now what?
Need a psychedelic hiking buddy/crew in the Uk
First time on LSD- I feel weird?
Breathtaking, love solo tripping at night outside
Just dropped a tab and I love everyone and everything
I flipflop between liking and not liking it. It's my dad's nose but it's strong. Though plastic surgery seems a bit extreme. So I'm going for acceptance for now 😄
How often do you talk to your parents?
How much protein am I actually supposed to eat nothing makes sense
Is Kuala Lumpur a Good Long-Term Home for a Gay Couple in Their 40s?
I requested for RM10 worth of siew yok. This is what I got.
Anyone else have zero social life or just me?
Your friend gives you $20 for a lottery ticket and you win $100 million, how much are you giving your friend?
Should I try skip breakfast ?
Women who take creatine?
I’m afraid to lose weight. Help.
How do you all kick your sweet tooth to the curb?
Help, my glutes don’t exist.
Would I look weird going to the gym just to use the treadmill?
What do you guys think about Zamri Vinoth?
The $10M a year Suicide Hotline Challenge
5M$ but Reddit choose your lunch