what do i tell my barber to do when i say i wanna grow my hair out like the second pic?
What haircut would you recommend for me?
why do we see similar things on these drugs? went on a trip today (about 2g of PE) and when i closed my eyes i was just floating through this area that looked just like this.
Looking for advice for my first trip in 2 months tomorrow
One year difference please rate
How much weaker are golden teachers to penis envy?
What would look best hair wise. My hairline is far back
when i stop doing shrooms i fall back into my old habits of living/thinking
ive done a lot of shrooms before what can i expect from 100ug of acid?
I did brakes on a 2018 gx460 now the pedal goes to the floor
Any tips for a young mechanic with adhd?
Anyone here take methylene blue while tripping?
Why are hard drugs so common in pittston? i grew up there until i was 17
What pants/style would go well with these?
making small interactions weird for no reason
The ground floor of the asylum is finished with the fence, gate and other external decorative elements.
would the hair cut in the second pic look good on me?
Why is it your thoughts slow down so much during the first 1-2 hours while the shrooms are setting in?
1 year difference between the photos. rate my progress?
Can i get some advice on how to direct this trip?
how do you avoid snakes while tripping?
Will nin tour again?
Looking for advice on how to change my mind
What are you supposed to do here?
Was thinking of chopping off my hair and shaving the beard off should I?