Once the husky gets going, the sheebs get going! 😂
This amazing red/yellow jaspagate with botryoidal cap we found in Mendocino county, CA
Fernie won't stop!
Need advice!
More tile inspired pieces I’ve made over the years.
F/34/5’4” [386lbs > 259lbs = 127lbs] (just over 2 years)
Our spring onion had a face
Our sweet, dainty, and ripped 😂 princess Yōko. Definitely framing this. Please share yours!
Happy Fernie the Fern
F/26/5’8” [326lbs > 246lbs = -80lbs] | 10 Months | Finally got around to taking a progress photo in the same shirt as my starting photo
Is anyone else’s sheeb a FREAK about rubbing their bodies on dead creatures???
I would moving out of that house same day
What to do with the flooring and ceilings
Help me choose between these 3 rugs
This crazy abnormal lily that my mom is growing
What do I use this insert in my bedroom wall for?
It’s been nearly two years since I made this plant stand, and it’s probably still the best idea I’ve had in my entire life
What should I name him?
How screwed are we with all this bamboo?
Any ideas to keep plants alive while on vacation?
Lets see 😅
Shiba destroyed the couch
Adopting a 3 legged kitten and he needs a great name. Missing his back right leg.
Help me name my cat🙏