هل صحيح ان الرجل اذا يفوت ال 35 يصبح الزواج صعيبا عليه؟
A student wrote this with their test - what does it mean?
As a white American male, how do I get my Arab girlfriend’s parents to accept me and how do I impress them and have them embrace me?
Why is hezbollah not hitting the israeli settlements in lebanon (the 5 positions they stayed in)?
ليه فيه ناس اسمهم المصري في غزة و هم مش مصريين؟
بتقولو بتخلص هذه الفتنة قبل القيامة؟
Lebanese Army announces conducting sweep and search operations and founding three homemade rocket launchers north of Litani River, between Kfar Tibnit and Arnoun, Nabatieh. The launchers were dismantled.
The Sudanese army has retaken the Sudanese Republican Palace in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, after it was occupied by the RSF for nearly two years.
من الدولة العربية الأكثر قابلية لنصرة غزة
Syrian HTS terrorists screaming for help on the Lebanese Syrian border after getting decimated
عصابات الجولاني تبدأ بسحب قتلاها من البقاع اللباني بعد ان ايقنت ان الدخول إلى لبنان والاعتداء على اهلها ليس نزهة
3 members of the Syrian security forces - were killed by Lebanese local fighters after crossing into Lebanon illegally
Not a vent but a serious question, what do i do when i face this lil mf
يا وجع التسامح
Marine dog friendship
2 R2s, 4 Backstabs; Entirely Useless! (Madman's Knowledge #5)
نفس المنطق
Did the "IOF" write this?
طلع الطريق عجهنم اسرع من الطريق عالضاحية
REALLY should not have cursed Karbala
Safe to stay in the South?
This is how the Americans talk to their “allies”
Lil cute ass doggo playing at the airport
جماعة السلام والسيادة وين هني؟
I won’t give in
Curious about the Shia