What's the worst disease humanity ever had?
whats the worst thing your ex did?
DAE feel like a criminal when they leave a store without buying anything?
FDA staff return to crowded offices, broken equipment and missing chairs | AP News
DAE eat the same thing each day until you suddenly get the ick
Not being on Reddit is healing
Dealing with Nudity
Men, can you swing it around like a helicopter?
What is a word you hate to hear people mispronounce?
Skip is dying
What’s a socially acceptable thing that secretly annoys everyone?
Burger King better than McDonalds
Wish crust was a shower-friendly culture
Been wanting to post these for a bit
This is ridiculous
Trump says 'dangerous' order to rehire federal workers to go to Supreme Court
Why don’t tattoo places just euthanize their clients
Obituaries should include cause of death
What's the worst pain that you've ever experienced?
What's the hardest part about learning to drive?
Satanic punk?
Dogpiled at work by men
DAE not care if they die?
Young Punk first jacket
My husband likes reels of OF models on instagram
[serious] Why are Cybertrucks so expensive?