Hit 405 on week 7 (week 2 peaking) of program! 16M 165 lbs.
Is this a good warmup based on your top set for the day?
Muscle shakes, why?
Should I pull 405 tomorrow?
Rate my legday
Form check. Not competing soon so parallel depth is fine.
If checking for form and stuff, is it best to film your last set because it is the most likely for form breakdowns.
looking for a bench program
is my back good
Formcheck for deadlift
Returning to old habits
How to make my skin look better?
What do you think about this deload week?
How many sets should I do at the gym?
Benching 3x a week (3 days in a row)
Best belt for under $60?
Early Plateau at ~6 months training? Time for a real program or no? Advice?
Deadlift form check. 365 double @ 7. Second clip was 4th triple @ 330.
What’s the craziest pre workout what you have done 🏋🏼♂️😈
Form check? Week 6 on program. 1st week of peaking block.
How often you Benchpress a week?
The face of a man who nearly got his fingers smashed…
What should I do if I want to do both of these goals?