Giving completely finished Edgar to newbies was the worst decision ever.
what's a death threat?
How the fuck did he die 8 times??!!
I am not going to jump 😀👍
Moscow is the true Nite City
Ranking all superce games but I'm brutally honest
type "mr" and let autocorrect finish
My Honest Brawlstars Tier List Part 2
is it just me or moe is way too underpowered now? i say we give not previous 2k, but 1500 damage. like seriously i can barely kill anyone with moe now
U have to
how do first people to get the mega tokens know what game they r in, what do they need to do and where exactly to go?
Meme I found from when buzz was in the game
opinions on kimchi hawk tuah? (image somewhat related)
WitCh bRawLeR (Very hard)
Why do you main this brawler? (Joke tierlist, do not get offended)
How do you think this guy is going to die?
Moon in daytime in Moscow
roblox heckering
This is getting sickening, man.
guess the tierlist (difficulty: hard/you decide)
Aaah Drug dealer tierlist (slides)
Yep, great!
Hey, you monkey-brained idiots! The government's been lying to you! The moon is a hologram and I have proof!!