What yall thinking
What’s the “ONER” i see people add to their tags? I get “One” but what’s with the R at the end?
Just started rolling blunts what yall think?
Did I finally roll a good one?
Rate my roll
Crits on the one liner?
What yall think of my first lil glass tip roll
Give me some names
Down to write names
Crits? Ik my proportions are a lil messed up
REZAE with unique character from the 90’s, spliffy man.
This is my tag. Would this be considered a handstyle?
What yall think
First week of throws
any and all advice appreciated
Wanna change my name from wreko to reko. Anyone know if it’s taken
are these good markers for plain tags?
Getting any better?
Wanna know what ppl think of my tag and what I can fix
Wepon pewks eazy • WKT