I'm sure it's well known but I hadn't seen this one and really liked it, most stylized shoot I've seen of Kurt, excellently done
Are there any songs that when you heard them for the first time you thought were ‘meh’ until you gave them another few listens?
If yall haven’t already sub to the Nirvana channel its so close to having 10 million despite only having 14 videos
Though I understand it’s hard to say, were Kurt still alive and had continued into today, how do you imagine their sound would have evolved?
If you just got a brand new expensive sound system, what metallica song are you playing first?
Visiting Seattle/Tacoma this summer. What are the best Nirvana/grunge/Riot Girl/adjacent related locations to see?
Made a Metallicup.
Name for a band where the members are always sick
Nirvana fans, what is your opinion on Guns N' Roses?
If you could change or add any songs from the MTV Unplugged set, what would you add?
Is Blackened a regular concert song?
What "Yeah" do you feel is more "iconic"?
How possible is it that Kurt Cobain's songs from Montage of Heck will be revived?
What is your favourite live record of Come As You Are?
What do you think is the best Metallica bridge that isn’t Creeping Death?
Band name for a bunch of men who get off to peanut butter?
why is krit underwayer? the song is on a plane!
big long shit
Does anyone have a copy of this comic?
What’s with Serve the Servants 2013 mix having a completely different solo in the bridge, and which one do you think is better?
Guys I was curious to know what's your favorite Nirvana concert...
Is this krut?
There’s no return from…
If you could ask any member of Nirvana any question and get an honest answer, who and what would you ask?