GDEmu max SD card size
What is the first film that comes to mind when you see Tim Curry?
What’s this watch? Got it from a pawn shop two years ago and it’s been my absolute favorite.
What's a movie you never get tired of watching?
Super Cheap Metal Mod
Short straps
Snow White one of the movies of all time
Address mix up and got a random package of these.
Ferrari restoration
Dude on FB selling for 22k...ofc it's some fat old white dude.
I pad extra for ultra “thin” lenses and this is what I got
What are these egg looking things on my spinach?
My first Gunpla, any tips?
Every egg we cracked this morning had a double yolk. What does this mean?
Snow Queen 2
Sharing my recent custom
I did it !!!!!
Is this plate legal?
What do your relatives/close ones feel/think about this hobby
What’s a movie that bored you so much you kept checking the time?
I just realized this kit is from 2005, yet better than SD EX
Turns out Blofeld was quite the ladies man
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Who is your favorite Irish actor?
Best Bond Girl?
Which is your favorite New Zealand actor?