I'm sure he's fine
wanna be ShAK-12
He squats, and well, that’s about it.
Rate The Kit
Will I ever complete this😢
Should I sell?
Anything I should just sell?
Is he to fat?
Am I seeing this right
Rate me friends’ kits (not political I swear)
Show me your best covert ops moment
M4A1 I've made
Who else thinks that Security/Insurgents were better team names
Pretending a Giant Toad is my pet
Just wanna flex my 8 rounds of m61
least used gun in deadline
So my teammate killed someone and didn't loot him instead he looted our dead teammate and I went to loot the guy he killed and he uhh had this thermal scope...
Why should you get thermals?
I have all these guns and can't get rid of them
Got my PAL last week.
The emptiness I felt after I decided to spent 100 bucks to get this
Make me the best m4 setup u can think off
why is any bigger scope blured out with NV?