Best portrait tower defense game recommendation
New player. Please help me make a team.
A game I can sink hundreds of hours into.
What's everyone playing?
Could you recommend this game to a new player?
Could you recommend Destiny 2 to a new player?
Best anniversary server for new OCE player?
Australian players, how do you do it?
Is there any version of WoW that is solo-friendly?
What is the most memorable Summoner Name you have seen?
XP Boosts should give more XP.
Kobe: "I love being able to take someone who's having a bad day and help them have a better one."
What Champion Gives The Most Free LP Right Now?
Who, in your opinion, is the single best jungle champion to climb from iron to diamond?
Does mundo still work in mid/high elo? Been fun abusing people with his insane scaling.
Looking for a second champ
As Bel'Veth mains, who else do you play?
Third pick for my jungle champ pool?
Third pick for my pool?
Zero tolerance