AIO? made a joke about taking a nap
Help me find who this looks like
What band do you like a lot that is most unlike the Dead?
When the grapes are the best part of chicken salad sammie 🤤
🤡 recording and not shutting off
any ideas??
I would KILL for nails like these.
He looks like an unfinished coloring book
I knew it was him all along
My first time
buncha cursed kandi I made (tw: basically all of these are NSFW, and all are joke kandis)
Busted cheating with pants down
My burn healing
OC rotating cuff!
Old fashioned frozen moment
What is this thing in my cat's ear?
Some recent stuff🧡
Purse Knoll (sorry)
At Frankfurt Zoo, two Sumatran tigers have just been born. A third, lifeless cub was eaten by the mother as part of natural behavior for hygiene and safety reasons.
Most memorable scene from the show?
Am i supposed to get orange twists with the old fashioned??
Baby Spencer
my friends black pepper usage is ungodly
My nightstand snack drawer.