During hangouts, my friends tend to move on from activities sooner than I’d expect
My dream last night
I’d love to see what yall can do :)
what would this be called?
Good songs which include a story as a part of the lyrics?
When you pass so well that terfs think you're cis
How old is everyone who plays this game?
If Y'all Had to Imagine A Drag Performance to Will's Music, What First Comes to Mind?
Meet & Greet
I know stealing is bad. But...
Do any of y'all have Disco Elysium moments irl? Especially ones where you feel aware that it's a Disco Elysium moment
honk honk, hi from boggles!
Concert Outfits
Any good music related to vampires? (Can be a band song or even a movie ost. Anything really!)
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Woke up to the sensation of someone poking me
[Thursday] General Discussion - 27 July 2023
r/place alliance?
A new start?
[MEGATHREAD] The End of An Era: In Case I Die Release Thread
What's a sound you heard when you were young that you no longer hear?
Do you prefer SELF- or iSH-?
Need new friends for XP grind: 9020 2226 9021
Friends wanted for daily gifts