What other shows do you rate as highly as (or close to) Severance?
The days since starting 5 mg - the highs and lows!!
What condition do you have along with PCOS?
Doctor said to possibly go to 5 mg after doing my first 4 shots of 2.5…thoughts?
3 weeks in…my inflammation is non existent
Guess / Spring Breakers UO single restock (in-store only)
4 Brooklyn nights surprise guest
My monstera has grown out of its pot - now what?
POST GAME THREAD: League Championship Series Game 4 - The Mets fell to the Dodgers by a score of 10-2 - Thu, Oct 17 @ 08:08 PM EDT
GAME THREAD: League Championship Series Game 4 - Dodgers @ Mets - Thu, Oct 17 @ 08:08 PM EDT
GAME THREAD: League Championship Series Game 3 - Dodgers @ Mets - Wed, Oct 16 @ 08:08 PM EDT
POST GAME THREAD: League Championship Series Game 2 - The Mets defeated the Dodgers by a score of 7-3 - Mon, Oct 14 @ 04:08 PM EDT
When to use restroom during Joker 2 and not miss any important Gaga scenes?
POST GAME THREAD: Division Series Game 4 - The Mets defeated the Phillies by a score of 4-1 - Wed, Oct 09 @ 05:08 PM EDT
GAME THREAD: Division Series Game 4 - Phillies @ Mets - Wed, Oct 09 @ 05:08 PM EDT
My boyfriend and I’s first time on TV. Granted nobody knows but us but..I’m ecstatic!! LGM
POST GAME THREAD: Division Series Game 3 - The Mets defeated the Phillies by a score of 7-2 - Tue, Oct 08 @ 05:08 PM EDT
Color help, pls 😊 (Raspberry or Black?)
Part 2 to my insurance frustration
Discouraged - I’ll never get a GLP1
I’m addicted to KS shoes but every pair hurts my feet
What if my baby doesn’t want to leave
I think I lucked out and got the easiest hedgehog ever
Is it normal to have a daily credit card charge from everyday I stayed on property?
Putting my senior girl to sleep today at 1pm. How do you guys deal with the grief?