just a rant about family’s lack of covid safety
rest in peace my beloved heart baggu
Periods getting worse to deal with
Holy Cow! I picked it up!
tachycardia, what’s your norm?
one bad night of sleep and I’m screwed
how do you guys shower with cramps?
nausea at night
please help me find this shirt!
please help me find where this shirt is from!
I can't take how extreme my periods are anymore
Cup not filled. But is this normal?
What’s better in hot chocolate? Gingerbread or sugar cookie?
Y’all pray for me I’m using a 50-60 year old heating pad
what’s your random Achilles heel
grandma’s signature scent
What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while working at stbks? I don't think it would beat mine.
thoughts on vaccines?
[TOMT] [2008-2017] [MOBILE GAME]
[TOMT][Short story] [1950s] on boy who fails to get into a boarding school
[TOMT]Abrupt Murder of a Reporter Scene[Movie/TV/Short Film][2010s?]
[TOMT] [SONG] [2020s] Recent pop/dance song with the number "59" in the chorus, female singer
[TOMT] Word akin to "frankness of language"
scared to be girl who cried wolf
It's 3.12 am and i am awake because of a stupid cramp