Verdict on F1TV Premium?
James Cameron diz que sua esposa chorou por 4h após assistir 'Avatar Fire e Ash'. Será que isso é bom ou ruim?
Lewis called vettel after his first race as a Ferrari driver
(SPOILERS)The unluckiest person ever...
Para os fãs de Fórmula 1 e Cultura pop esse vídeo é uma jóia.
Gone too far
I don’t have high hopes for F1 25, but I do have for F1 26
Gets me every single time
Old Shepard is not on the new slangs
Panam was the one handing the axe.
Ngl it would be reasonable crash out
Would someone with the same powers as Raven from the DC universe be powerful in the Narutoverse?
Alex André, do Young Nerd, avisa que o episódio final de Ghanor terá parte 1 e parte 2
JJK abilities converted into Naruto abilities
Is there a fic where the MC just says "f*CK it" and gets OP and obliterates the Hidden villages to stop the wars and such?
WTF happened to my 999999999999999999 Millions?
It went down like that believe me.
People just don’t have any taste
The only way to stop Shepard
F1 needs to bring back the season launch videos like this.
Let Shepard rest
Why most writers despise the position of hokage?
How do I tell her?