Ultra Jet vs. Psycho Jet
Mc Donald's
I so, SO wish I could recruit Dixie as a companion. That southern drawl, the violent attitude, dat 🍑 🥴
My Sanctuary Hills with Wonders of the Wasteland Museum
I must my go. My people need me. -Ada
Here we have a scene from Titanic where things didnt go too well
I have an unusually large forearm vein
this fridge is ominously staring at me
Can you stop a hurricane with a nuke?
I accidentally broke my plate in the basement.
My boyfriend is sick
Do they understand what communism is?
I accidentally made Walter White
I’ve wondered this for a while but why couldn’t you offer the residents of vault 81 to join the minutemen after completing hole in the wall
Not got a lot of time, let's do a quick mission for 200 caps, farmer wants his sword back, EASY!
This is the sentiment I get reading this subreddit.
Work hard, play hard, that's the raider way.
Ice Blocks View!! From a former state employee 🔥👏🏼
After a long search I found the submarine for the first time in 1300 hours, glad I didn't look it's location up first.
Any idea how to get this mf out of my base? Spawned there randomly
This is one interesting coffee pot.
What the Minutemen Armory should have been.
What’s her story?
I just killed Far Harbor by accident. Anyone know what I exactly did?
Pretty bummed that this didn't work.