Does anyone else wonder if they'll date again?
where are all the clingy women?!
Should I get plastic surgery to meet a long-term partner?
How many of you do the DTR thing? Is it necessary or do you let things evolve naturally?
Looking for advice on how to handle a situation with a girl I’ve been talking to, regarding her upcoming trips…
How to respond to a breakup text?
Is it ok to not want casual sex as a guy?
I crave intimacy with someone so much
where are all the affectionate women at?!
I hate dating in this generation
I just want to be someone's first choice
You guys are getting messages?!
Met a woman in another state yesterday... what now (if anything)?
I miss intimacy so much
I think I was rushed into being an adult
European emoji habits
Single in the Suburbs
What’s your favourite NSFW post you’ve saved?
4 years of lifting. Slowly getting to where i want to be. Consistency pays off
People who sleep fast after going to bed how the hell you do it ?
adulthood is literally like that 😭
I’m calling it on my dating life
Which 3 are you picking?
Who needs a fucking hug in these trying times?