Hello am a noob when it comes to cars. Need guidance
The Doom Loop Theory & Pakistan
Pakistani Call Centers Scammers.
For public understanding on Mayo event since many comments were disappointing and had no idea what goes on
"The guy needs to be fired," Punjab chief minister Maryam Nawaz fired MS Mayo Hospital on the spot during a visit of the hospital
UPS market in Karachi
Jets flying through Karachi
A married man approaches a stunning woman in the supermarket and says: "I've lost my wife in the aisles... Do you mind if we talk for a while?"
Any young guys/girls still saving themselves for marriage?
Where can I buy an action camera?
Turns out *I'm the colorblind one*
Why does this city have one of the worst drivers in Pakistan?
This has to be stopped! But when and how?
This has to be stopped
Arma 3 scenes in Pakistan
[A3] [Recruiting] [GMT] [EU] [NA] [Milsim] - The Weekend Warriors
Any good online Badminton Racket suggestions? (Or tips to find good ones)
They are turning kids gay.
Need to take crypto baby steps. Need guidance
Civil Disobedience less go. Ji Enj Kyun (GHQ)
This was probably the best QA session to happen in Pakistan
Protestors recovered Sniper rifle after rangers ran away. At least 10 protestors were injured due to snipers