Elaria? Causing issues in another kingdom while ignoring their own? No way!
Came across this creep and realised who he was talking about. Ladies, you’re welcome
Possibly the worst thing that could happen to a child in western Salbatica
Welp it's official...
Why is it so important to them?
Not everyone can have a successful empire
Poor guy am I right?
Battle of Yens River during the Vanish & Soxese War (7th Wu - 12th Elon 753)
More Ankaros Lore
Time for some Ankaros lore. FYI: Vanish is pronounced VAY-NISH
More Ritic memes. Next post will take place on Ankaros
Continent of Euseia, mainland of my fictional story.
Ask me anything, get creative
POV: You’ve just looked in Nazeem’s general direction for the first time
POV: you’ve stood within a meter of Nazeem
Time for some more modern memes. So what’s Garson City like?
Little man syndrome?
Finally reclaimed their homeland! Now time to do some cleaning…
Could a spoken language have no slang?
What are these little brown dots that’s appeared under my middle finger? (Excuse the bitten nail) they’ve been here for going on a month now I’d say
Mini civil war in South Ashem or rampant crime and drug use in Gikois?
Can someone explain in the most simplest of layman’s terms what the difference between Aedra and Daedra is? It’s the one part of lore I’ve accepted but never actually understood
Road(sea) trip with the boys? What’s not to love other than going up against a military powerhouse
Get ‘nasty’ mindset
Made a bunch of memes in my spare time! Enjoy folks