How long does it take to get accepted into Baruch?
Any chemistry people?
How am I meant to defeat this...?
King's Tax is so harsh...
Which Helldivers 2 arc did you like the best?
HellCore, Chapter 0
Unable to install libaries
At what point do you consider a playthrough complete?
This feels like a bomb defusal. How do I get it out without starting a fire?
What do I do with 6000+ chemfuel I don't need?
What movie becomes completely different once you add “with a fat ass” to the title?
What is the ideal number of colonists? Currently at 64
I select a scenario to play, but when I click next nothing happens and I get an error. Im using the modpack from the latest modpack of Samuel Streamer
I have made a catastrophic mistake
Wait, hold on, the game marks this as rubble, but I don't think it is.
Real footage
Roommate broke the coffee table
Y’all remember PETA??
found this in my steam screenshots from like 5 years ago, i dont know how they got almost a 1000 keys
Yeah, fun times.
Bro what?
Cargo Pod Dropped 7 Fertilized Human Eggs. 1/2 of My Colony is Now Babies
Tfw your mountains burn away